Andy's Ramblings

Life in Outreach Ministry

Taking Back Christmas: December 23rd

taking-back-christmasScripture: Matthew 2:1-12, Matthew 5:14-16, and 1 John 1:5-10

Commentary: I knew a man when I was growing up who basically LIVED to decorate for Christmas. He did elaborate wood cuttings that he brightly illuminated, set-up giant speakers to play music, and likely had the largest residential electrical bill in all of Iowa for the month of December. Then, they moved to an acreage outside of town. Disappointed in the lack of cars now driving by he seemingly borrowed a page from scripture: he erected a giant star high in the air that could be seen for miles. As the star led the Wise Men to Bethlehem, so his brightly lit faux star led people to his house (until the airport authorities made him turn it off when a plane nearly mistook it for the airport).

One of the words used most in scripture to describe what is expected of us as Christians is light. Like the original Bethlehem star we are exhorted to lead people towards Jesus in both word and deed. Sometimes it’s our words that God uses to lead people towards him, but oftentimes our actions speak even louder. As we head into Christmas, and you see lights all over town, remember that Christ is asking you to be the light leading people towards Him this Christmas.

Pray: Take time today to pray for the following

  • Pray for all those who need Christ’s light to shine upon them this Christmas. Pray both generically and specifically for those you know that need Christ this season.
  • Ask God to use you as His light not only this Christmas, but in the year ahead as well.
  • Ask God to reveal to you ways you can shine for Him, and ask for the courage to do so.






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