Andy's Ramblings

Life in Outreach Ministry

Taking Back Christmas: December 20th

taking-back-christmasYesterday we looked at how Christ came to earth not for his own benefit, but to be a blessing to others. We also looked at scripture that reminded us that God desires us to be a blessing to our family and our elders. Today we want to challenge you to do something to bless the lives of at least one family member and one elder figure in your life. We’ve listed some possibilities below, but feel free to create your own. Simply do something tangible that would bless your family and elders today.



  • Take on a role you never take on in your family. For example, in the Baker family I (Andy) hardly ever do the laundry. My wife takes that on not because she enjoys it, but simply because it has to be done. Find a role someone else in your family does simply because they must, and lovingly fill it for them today.
  • Take time to intentionally give praise to others in your family. Make it specific (ex. “I’m so proud of how you are following Christ in your life” or “I’m so thankful that you do _________________ for me on a regular basis. That means a lot to me.”).
  • Call or visit an extended family member you might not talk with on a daily basis and simply have a nice conversation with them.
  • Take time to pray for both your immediate and extended families.
  • If your family all still lives in at home, take the time to actually share a meal together today or tomorrow. Maybe it will have to be an early breakfast, or a later then normal dinner, but take the time to actually break bread together.


  • Take time to write and send a card thanking an elder/senior who has had an impact in your life. It may be an old Sunday school teacher, a family friend, a coach, a neighbor, or any other elder who has had an impact on you.
  • Write a note, call, or visit someone who is in a nursing home or not able to easily leave their home. If you need some ideas of who to write to there is a list in the church bulletin (which you can find online at If you plan to visit someone please call ahead of time to make sure that will work well for them.
  • Offer to do something for an elder in your life. Shovel their drive, bring them a meal, see if there is a project around the house you can do for them, etc.

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